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Original Title: The Windup Girl
ISBN: 1597801577 (ISBN13: 9781597801577)
Edition Language: English
Series: The Windup Universe #1
Characters: Anderson Lake, Emiko, Tan Hock Seng, Jaidee Rojjanasukchai, Kanya
Setting: Bangkok(Thailand)
Literary Awards: Hugo Award for Best Novel (2010), Nebula Award for Best Novel (2009), Locus Award for Best First Novel (2010), Kurd-Laßwitz-Preis for Bestes ausländisches Werk (2012), British Science Fiction Association Award Nominee for Novel (2010) John W. Campbell Memorial Award for Best Science Fiction Novel (2010), Compton Crook Award (2010), Grand Prix de l'Imaginaire for Roman étranger et Traduction (2013), Premio Ignotus for Mejor novela extranjera (2012), Prix Bob Morane for roman traduit (2013), Cena Akademie SFFH for Kniha roku (Book of the Year) (2011), Goodreads Choice Award Nominee for Science Fiction (2009), Prix Une autre Terre (2013)
Books Download The Windup Girl (The Windup Universe #1) Free
The Windup Girl (The Windup Universe #1) Hardcover | Pages: 359 pages
Rating: 3.75 | 62120 Users | 6299 Reviews

Description Conducive To Books The Windup Girl (The Windup Universe #1)

Anderson Lake is a company man, AgriGen's Calorie Man in Thailand. Under cover as a factory manager, Anderson combs Bangkok's street markets in search of foodstuffs thought to be extinct, hoping to reap the bounty of history's lost calories. There, he encounters Emiko...

Emiko is the Windup Girl, a strange and beautiful creature. One of the New People, Emiko is not human; instead, she is an engineered being, creche-grown and programmed to satisfy the decadent whims of a Kyoto businessman, but now abandoned to the streets of Bangkok. Regarded as soulless beings by some, devils by others, New People are slaves, soldiers, and toys of the rich in a chilling near future in which calorie companies rule the world, the oil age has passed, and the side effects of bio-engineered plagues run rampant across the globe.

What Happens when calories become currency? What happens when bio-terrorism becomes a tool for corporate profits, when said bio-terrorism's genetic drift forces mankind to the cusp of post-human evolution? Award-winning author Paolo Bacigalupi delivers one of the most highly acclaimed science fiction novels of the twenty-first century.

Define Epithetical Books The Windup Girl (The Windup Universe #1)

Title:The Windup Girl (The Windup Universe #1)
Author:Paolo Bacigalupi
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 359 pages
Published:September 1st 2009 by Night Shade Books
Categories:Science Fiction. Fiction. Dystopia. Steampunk

Rating Epithetical Books The Windup Girl (The Windup Universe #1)
Ratings: 3.75 From 62120 Users | 6299 Reviews

Weigh Up Epithetical Books The Windup Girl (The Windup Universe #1)
Try to picture a world where big corporations own the rights to the food we eat, and engineer it specifically so that the seeds can't be reused. Picture a world where the natural resources are steadily depleting, but everyone is still trying to act as if nothing is wrong. Picture a world where technology is barely managing to address the problems of the moment, and perhaps won't be able to keep up in the face of unexpected catastrophes.That wasn't too hard now, was it? The best science fiction

Updated review, after a re-read in November 2018.--Imagine a future where we have actually run out of oil and fossil fuel, where genetically modified food has gotten completely out of control, where people have figured out a way to make genetic weapons that ruined other countries harvests, and foodborne plagues have screwed up every level of the food chain and killed millions. Calories are now the most sought-after currency: clean calories, that is. Anderson Lake, the sort-of main character of

Biopunk is, unfortunately, such an underrepresented genre compared to steampunk and other Sci-Fi subgenres with a potential that has to be unleashed. I could imagine such a setting in a real dystopian, Mad Max Style world where everything is based on biological technologies and nothing technical can be used anymore. Probably with different ideologies regarding the use and development of biology as the main power blocks.In the case of this novel, many problems such as peak oil, super pests and

The Windup Girl by Paolo Bacigalupi is a biopunk novel that won the Hugo Award in 2010 along with China Mievilles The City & the City. I picked up the book because I also enjoyed City and the City and because I was intrigued by the genre Biopunk. The novel is full of referenced to gene ripping and DNA experimentation and also a great deal of examples of how such experimentation can go terribly wrong as some new invasive species have taken over as readily as kudzu on a roadside hill in

I just realized something, neologisms - like bow ties - are cool. Explaining made-up words in a glossary or through infodumps is uncool. Nowadays sf authors seem to delight in making up new words and leave the readers to figure out their meaning through context. Depending on the skill of the author this can be an exercise in frustration or a lot of fun for the readers who like a bit of challenge.Plenty of newly minted words in The Windup Girl, plus lots of Thai words which are equally

This is the kind of book that unceremoniously dumps you in the middle of a teeming, noisy world and demands that you sink or swim. Oh, and that noise that I mentioned? Yeah, its all slang, and in about five different languages none of which you can understand. My advice is just try to float with it. Dont stress out if you cant understand half the words, or the vague references to the incident or the situation in Finland. All will come cleartrust me.This story is set in a futuristic Thailand,

6.0 stars. The most recent addition to my list of "All Time Favorite" novels. This is Science fiction "noir" AT ITS BEST. By "noir" I mean science ficiton (and fantasy) books that are characterized by: (1) a dark, dystopic world; (2) main characters that are "grey" as oppossed to black or white when it comes to morals; (3) plots that involve complicated questions of morality and characters doing the right thing for the wrong reason and vice versa. Prime examples for me (all of which are also on


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