Online رحلة ابن فطومة Books Download Free

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Original Title: رحلة بن فطومة
ISBN: 9770914908
Edition Language: Arabic URL
Online رحلة ابن فطومة  Books Download Free
رحلة ابن فطومة Paperback | Pages: 126 pages
Rating: 3.96 | 3856 Users | 603 Reviews

Be Specific About Containing Books رحلة ابن فطومة

Title:رحلة ابن فطومة
Author:Naguib Mahfouz
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 126 pages
Published:2006 by دار الشروق (first published 1983)
Categories:Fiction. Novels

Ilustration To Books رحلة ابن فطومة

رواية تحكي عن رحالة عربي هاجر من بلاده بعد فشلة في الزواج من محبوبته إلى دار الجبل بحثا عن الكمال والعدالة المفقودين في بلاده. يشجعه على ذلك استاذه الذي فشل في اكمال الرحلة بسبب الحرب التي كانت تدور بين البلاد المتجاورة. و يمر في رحلته على عدة بلاد ويتعطل في رحلته أكثر من مرة بسبب زواجه وسجنه. يمر في رحلته على بلاد المشرق حيث يلتقي بعروسة ويتزوجها وينجب منها 5 اطفال. ولكنه يفرق بينه وبينهم بسبب محاولته تعليم اطفاله عقيدته. ثم بعد ذلك يرحل إلى البلد التالية وهي بلاد الحيرة. يرى فيها ان الملك يعتبر تمثيل لله وتدور حرب بين الحيرة والمشرق وتنتصر جيوش الحيرة وتصبح عروسة إحدى السبايا ويشتريها. ولكن الحكيم الأكبر للملك يريدها لنفسة فيتسبب في دخول ابن فطومة إلى السجن لمدة 20 عاما. يقوم انقلاب على الملك الحالي وياتي ملك جديد ويحرر ابن فطومة. يترك دار الحيرة راحلا إلى" بلاد الحلبة " حيث يجد ان الشعوب شديدة الحرية الدينية وان كل الديانات تتعايش في البلد بما فيها الالحاد. يتزوج للمرة الثانية من سامية وهي ممرضة وينجب منها. يرحل إلى دار الامان بحثا عن استكمال رحلته ويرى في دار الامان ان كل فرد مشجع على التجسس على صاحبه.و ان كل فرد لا يحق له ابداء ارائه في غير مجاله وعمله ثم يتركها راحالا إلى بلاد الغروب التي تعتبر المحطة النهائية قبل وصولة إلى دار الجبل ومنها يرحل إلى دار الجبل بسبب الحرب الدائرة وبعد سفر شهر متواصل يصل بوابات دار الجبل وعندها يصل إلى نهاية الرواية ويترك القارئ لاستنتاج النهاية.

Rating Containing Books رحلة ابن فطومة
Ratings: 3.96 From 3856 Users | 603 Reviews

Write-Up Containing Books رحلة ابن فطومة
It's not the Arabian Nights, and (fortunately) it's not Pilgrim's Progess. Instead, the Journey of Ibn Fattouma is a fable in memoir form, told by a devout Muslim whose travels take him from his Islamic homeland to a series of countries governed by other ideologies: tribalism; absolute monarchy (as per Saudi Arabia); capitalist democracy (as per the United States); and authoritarian communism (as per the Soviet Union; the book was published in 1983. At each place, Ibn Fattouma critiques the

Here's the deal: There are so many things that I really like about this book. I think that the writing is enjoyable, it's simple and to the point but uses really wonderful words to convey meaning and descriptions. I really enjoyed the parts where sages defended their ways of thinking, and I loved the different lands as he progressed. However, I was honestly just annoyed by the main character. He struck me as selfish and I was often frustrated with his actions. I admired his desire to learn more

The Legend of Ibn Fattouma by Naguib Mahfouz presents a lesser known side of his work to Western readers. This short 140 page novella derives inspiration from indigenous modes of storytelling and narrative styles in Egypt. In essence, the novella ruminates on the organisation of a society. Thus, Ibn Fattouma begins a quest to gain wisdom. In Mashriq, we meet a tribe whose citizens worship the moon and he marries Arousa. He is expelled from Mashriq for attempting to raise his son as a Muslim, we

I finished the book. The beginning had some ideas such as open love but they were not very deep. I was surprised by the progression into more profound topics later on. Chapter 3 ended with the search for Arousa, or something that captivated me, so I kept going. I was pleased to read about modern ideas in the land of freedom, Halba, such as freedom of religion, women in general, and basically general equality. I can't say total because an income inequality still existed. I loved that the women

This Fable by Naguid Mahfouz reminded me a great deal of Italo Calvino's Invisible Cities. While the latter consisted of a conversation between two men describing a great many cities this is one man's lyrical journey through 6 separate civilizations in search of the wisdom that can help him bring his homeland to prosperity.Originally I was expecting it to be light on plot and heavy on beautiful writing (which it has in abundance) but some of the chapters move a surprising page-turning clip.

Ibn Fattouma's mother was 17 when she married an 80 year old grain merchant who had 7 adult sons. Though financially secure when his father died, his brothers treated both Ibn and his mother poorly, as they were opposed to the marriage. Ibn was tutored by a neighbour who enlightened his mind and spirit, causing Ibn to question the injustice, poverty and ignorance. After his planned marriage was cancelled because the Sultan's chamberlain decided that he wanted to marry Ibn's fiancée, Ibn decides

Not nearly as good as his best, but still an enjoyable short parable just brimming with symbolism and insights into Mahfouzs unique and compelling philosophy. Ibn Fattoumas journal of one culture shock following another as he leaves his homeland, the Land of Islam, and travels from country to country where the people in each place he visits worship in turn the moon, then their king, then nothing, and finally (and in many ways most frightening of all) justice.


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